Rigo Rodriquez article about 3000 Acts of Kindness event..

This winter, Rigo got to be part of the 3,000 Acts of Kindness outreach, which is set up to serve the homeless community by providing free food, haircuts, toiletries, coats, shoes, & resources.

Rigo volunteered as a translator to help families who didn’t speak English, with the goal of both helping them find what they need and look for opportunities to pray for them & share the Gospel.

Soon after the event started, Rigo met three Latina women. He helped them navigate the event, finding food and carrying their bags that were filling up with needed items. As they ate lunch together, Rigo got to hear more of their stories. All three of the women identified as Catholic, having grown up in the church, but not being too familiar with the Bible.

Maria shared that she needs to work hard at doing good things, hoping that one day, God will forgive her. The others agreed, emphasizing that their ultimate goal is to be good people.

As Rigo shared the Gospel, he was able to focus on what it means to be saved by God’s grace, not our own good works (Eph 2:8-9). He emphasized that as we walk with God, we will indeed do good works as a result of our faith, but not as a way to earn our salvation.

Maria, prayed to receive Christ that day! Since then, Rigo has brought her & the other ladies to one of our Cru Inner City partner churches to get plugged in and find community.

This is such an encouragement to us and a reminder of our mission: loving the lost to care for their physical & spiritual needs, pointing them to Jesus, and helping them grow in their faith.

Thank you for your faithful partnership with us to bring the love of Christ to women like Maria!


WCCO TV interview with Danielle and Amy


Plymouth volunteer spearheads “3000 Acts of Kindness”..